Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Statistics Trivia's (PART II)

         Now it's the second time of sharing ideas.  Last time we've learned something new, and this time we will have better.

According to Statistics

If you stack one million $1 dollar bills, the pile of money would weigh 2,040.8 pounds. If you used $100 dollar bills, the stack would weigh only 20.4 pounds.

With 382,650 babies being born each day and 144,902 people dying daily, the world population increases about 237,748 people a day.

The most popular hair removal among women is shaving. According to Gillette Company, 70%of women who remove hair do so by shaving.

With 980-plus species, bats make up more than 23% of all known mammals by species.

The most popular topic of public speakers is motivation at 23%, followed by leadership at 17%.

Teenagers often have episodes of anger and negatively in which they slam doors and scream tirades. According to experts, most puberty-driven “snit fits” last an average of 15 minutes.

Well, next time I hope that you could also teach me.


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