Thursday, September 6, 2012

Stat Develops

In the development of all things and ideas there are always many persons behind it.  For example the subjects “ADVANCE STATISTICS” there are people who have used some of the principles of it in order to make each of their lives and even their country more progressive.  In this matter, let me introduce these following persons or group of persons.

King Asoka- king in the northern Hindustan in the time of ancient India who issued census between 250-230BC.
Ancient Chinese- the Chinese leaders under Zhou dynasty 22-256 BC have implemented population census cities and registration had become the normal instrument of public administration of the intent census cities to evaluate the number of persons available for the army and for taxation.
Ancient Egyptians- they analyzed the population and material wealth of their country before beginning to build pyramids using statistics related ideas.  The early scriptures related to statistics were written on papyrus.
Ancient Greeks- these persons also applied census to be used as a basis for taxation as early as 594BC          


These persons are just a few of so many people who have led to the development of “ADVANCE STATISTICS”.  You too can be the one to develop this subject further, just listen to your teacher or anyone that discuss this topic.


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