Saturday, July 7, 2012

07- 02- 12 or July 2, 2012: What we did on MONDAY...

Tik tok tik tok... Time is running out and as time passes by in the fabrics of space, we III- Gold students didn't want it just to be wasted and so we treasured it and used it not just minute by minute but every second of it.

Some went to school early, as early as 6:30 am, eager as they are to finish to their task and lighten up their burden for the day. Some came late but with their strong determination to finish it before the time ran out, they successfully passed it on time. The III- Gold as a daily routine, had a cooperative learning of answers after the morning assembly which is also  an additional  factor on how we or some of us finished the heavy task at ease.

The task that we passed was about our quiz # 5: The Application of Normal Distribution and an assignment about the Central Limit Theorem.

And when we entered our statistics room of Miss Macatigos one by one, we came in unprepared, for a new quiz awaited us after we checked our past quiz and assignment. The quiz was about Central Limit Theorem which is our past lesson.

Thanks to our scientific calculator and  our pen and also for our individual and some of us who had cooperated with each other we finished the quiz on time. That was all.

Additional Information about  " The Central Limit Theorem"

Central limit theorem or (CLT) says that, given certain conditions, the mean of large number of independent random variables, each with finite mean and variance, will be approximately normally distributed.

The central limit theorem  also explains why many distributions tend to be close to the normal distribution. The key ingredient is that the random variable being observed should be the sum or mean of many independent identically distributed random variables. 


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