Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Probability of Twins

                                         No idea

Ok, so I didn't match any of the criteria. I am 30, never been pregnant before, absolutely no family history on my side of twins and it was only our third month trying. I am now 22 week pregnant with two boys, everything is separate so they tell me they are most likely fraternal, but I guess I won't know for sure until we get them tested. It still overwhelms me a little, it was just never something I ever imagined for myself!
—Guest Spangles

Natural/Runs in family

Before I even got pregnant my dad had mentioned twins ran in his side of the family, didn't pay much attention. So when I found out I was having twins and they were identical I began asking my dad questions. Apparently his Aunt on his mom's side had identical girls, then one of them had identicals as well. I'm third generation on my side and the first one to have twins since then, since the late 60's early 70's. I had never met those twins but it was a HUGE shock to find out we were having identical twins. I know they say its not genetic, but I believe it had to do something with that. I also had an abortion last year, for my own reasons, and I just feel this is god's way of giving me back that child I gave up. In a taunting loving way, I am thrilled to be having identical boys!
—Guest Identical surprise

mummy sandra

hi i had two sets of non -identical twins[boys dan and matt now aged 29 and girls cheryl and amy now aged 25]my daughter cheryl is days away from delivering no id boys!i had two singleton boys and a singleton girl before my twins and misscarried a third set of non id twins my children range in age now from 25 to 40 and i have 13 grandchildren now [i love all of them dearly!] good luck and happy days to you all
—Guest sandra f


we were trying to conceive for a year .. I heard that drinking sag tea for two weeks after your period helps having twins so i did .. Its an aisian medicin .. I think it worked
—Guest bobo

I believe that God gives twins

I believe that God gives twins. I am so happy to read all the responses and in particular, the ones that mention prayer and blessings. I believe that God gives twins even where it is not hereditary and I look forward to the day it will happen to me too.
—Guest Joy

Wished for twins

I'm 31, planned for a second pregnancy. I prayed to God for twins...and got them. Expecting soon!
—Guest Ethy

Why I had Twins

This was my 5th pregnancy,after two miscarriages prior to getting pregnant with fraternal twin boys. I am 35 years old. I was also told this was the 5th set of fraternal twins on my mothers side. This is just coincidence but my brother and his wife also had a set of boy/girl fraternal twins as well,which I thought was pretty neat. Im not quite sure what caused my twin exactly but I believe it was a number of factors all mixed together. Age,number of pregnancies,and running in the family (which I did not know this and never met them nor have I ever seen pictures) but this was told to me from my grandmother. Most females on my mothers side of the family have had hysterectomies before the age of 30 too for some reason. I have been lucky to avoid that one. The only medical problem I have been diagnosed with is that I have cysts on both ovaries. Two on the left and one on the right,when I was 25 years old.
—Guest Roberta Ashley


I knew twins ran on my mothers side of the family. I talked to my dads sister after finding out I was having twins 10/19/11 and she told me twins also ran on my dads side of the family, I never knew that. After telling my kids dad I was having twins bng thats when he told me, oh I forgot to tell you twins run on my side of the family as well. I have two other daughters that are 3yrs/5yrs old they are 23mos apart their b-day is 3weeks apart. People always ask me if they are twins they are almost the same height and they both wear the same size clothes which are girls 4/5-5/6. When I found out I was having bng twins I cried for days well really months. I said how could I ever take care of them, but GOD knows whats ahead we don't. I can't wait to get back to church with my twins and my other daughters. I look at this as GOD getting my attention since all the other situations I got myself into did not wake me up or get my attention.


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