Friday, June 29, 2012

What happened on Wednesday?

                    Last Wednesday morning, almost all my classmates including me are rushing along the quadrangle just to finish our assignment in Statistics. 'Copy here, copy there, copy everywhere', that's the motto of III-Gold during flag ceremony.
                   That day is a checked day for all of the assignments, activities and quizzes that we haven't checked yet. And then, 30 minutes was given to finish our Exercises on the Application of Normal Distribution. But almost all of us, did not finished our task, so mam Macatigos let us pass our assignment that  afternoon.
                  Honestly, I copied some of my answers from my classmates, but I also give an effort and try my very best to answer that Exercise. I slightly don't understand about the shaded part when the z value is less than or greater than and it is negative.
Example:  P( z < -1.52). What should be the shaded part? to the left or right?

                                                Which is correct? to the left or to the right?
Some of my classmates says that to the left is the shaded part because -2 is less than -1. But some answers to the right because it is just like in the positive value of z that when z is less than; to the 0 point and when greater than, to the tail point.

               That's the big question in my mind??? 

By: Tito Nuevacobita Jr. 

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