Saturday, June 30, 2012

On MOndAy...

                                                                                                                                                June 25, 2012  

   Last week which is the 3rd week of June we III-Gold students were entangled to do a mind teasing quiz about our past lesson which is the Discrete Probability Distribution. Well, even though it was hard like all of our past lessons it became more easy for us to answer because of the cooperative learning, group study and mostly because each one of us studied hard to have high scores that we finally had on Monday when we Checked our Quiz #3 which is the The Discrete Probability Distribution.
     Our scores were pretty high this time which means almost all of us didn't have a below passing score which also means that almost the majority of the III-Gold's score's percentage were 80% and even 100% sharp.
     Triumphant to have high scores on our quiz, we III- Gold students will strive to maintain this kind of attitude  specifically being studious so that the next lessons or quizzes and assignments will be just an even smaller piece of cake for us. We will remain hungry. Hungrier than ever to have not just passing scores but to have scores equivalent to 100% grade.

By: Carl Joel Escanilla Palma III-Gold

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